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Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hello once again my dear readers! Its been indeed a long time since I've last posted, and my sincerest apologies for that. Now, however, there will be a regular monthly post now that I have finally settles back into life on the rock - dear old Malta, with her noise, her long sunny summer days, her beautiful cream-coloured limestone buildings - my beautiful home.

Anyways, as a present to all those who read my blog and commented, to all those who ask to hear my travel stories, who ask me for travel tips - below I am posting some great opportunities I found to travel for little money or next to nothing. Many opportunities have an age limit or an application deadline; so be sure to email the person in charge to check! These are opportunities to travel with EVS or Erasmus+, where by the European Union funds people who want to travel and do project work, voluntary work, or personal development. Below are just a few of the opportunities that I have found!

1. NETHERLANDS: Work in a live-in art gallery ( This gallery is more than a place for exhibitions alone, it is an atelier where artists not only exhibit but also can live and work. It’s also a place where young people come together to plan international projects. You will be working in the daily routine of the gallery BUT you will be also working on your own exhibition. During the period you stay in the town you also get the chance to show your art, whatever that may be. Besides this you get the chance to help out organizing an international theatre festival and youth exchange. send an e-mail to before 05 March 2014.

(also check this out - its in AMSTERDAM

2. TURKEY: 1-7th April, a free of charge (i think also flights are reinbursed) Grundtvig Workshop on the Personal Development method EQUILITRI™. This call is for professionals working with adults with literacy problems. The workshop introduces the learners to Professional Development for adults with literacy problems, providing the participants with the opportunity to both learn about and experience tools and skills to develop a career plan, to set career objectives and in tune with their personal and social objectives, to do a wide analysis of their current situation, or to identify their competitive advantage, in order to directly influence their short and especially long-term career objectives, to self-motivate and plan their own professional development.
Applicant Requirements:
- Age: 20+
- Education level: with or within higher education (university level or equivalent)
- Work Experience: not required. Priority will be given to participants that can multiply the results (for example, Career Services personnel or people planning to work in career/social/personal development)
- Language: very good conversational English required

HOW TO APPLY: Please send an email today to /

3. INDIA: Voluntary work, anything from helping to build stuff, to working with children, teaching, etc. Deadline for application is 30th March, more info can be found here: the contact person is Ravi Sebastian, his email is:

4. SPAIN: Courses financed by the Erasmus+ Programme Summer 2014 Madrid. Different opportunities:
1.European Project Planning under Erasmus + Sessions: 21st- 25th July 2014.
2.English Language and Methodology for English Teachers.Sessions: 14th – 18th July 2014.
3.Coaching in Educational Contexts to reduce early school leaving.Sessions: 7th-18th July 2014.
4. Energy Psychology in the classroom to reduce early school leaving.Sessions: 7th-11th July 2014.
All our training can be funded by Key Action 1 of Erasmus +
The deadline for funding applications is the 17th March 2014.
Please Contact us

5. ROMANIA: The Ciprian Marica Foundation, located in Bucharest, Romania, would like to invite you to partners for the Youth Exchange part of the KA1 Mobility Erasmus+. The main topic is promote a healthy lifestyle through sports.The exchange will be focused on creating a learning programme focused on practical actions to take at home for a impact in your lifestyle and be a Youth Exchange part of the KA1 Mobility Erasmus+..
We shall implement the project in 12-20 September 2014. For those interested about the topic, please send us an email to with the subject: Change Life, until the 9th of March.

6. IRELAND: Volunteers and undergraduate students are invited to work with an animal shelter located on the edge of Dublin. Established in 1840 to prevent cruelty to animals, it is now Ireland's largest animal welfare organization. The new state of the art shelter was opened in 2003, caring for a wide variety of animals including (but not limited to) dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, goats, cows, pigs, rabbits, ferrets, gerbils, budgies, snakes, terripins and many kinds of farmyard fowl.Participants must be at least 18 years old or older at the time of their program. Visit the site at: or email them directly at

If anyone applies for one of the above, I would appreciate a comment, or even if you have any questions - please let me know, I will be happy to help. Myself - I applied for India :)Anyways, enjoy dear readers! In the future will be posting MORE TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES, some GREAT tips for travelling cheaply, the insider's guide to Couchsurfing, and of course - more of the adventure tales of my travels!!

Take care <3
